Journey to the West of Otaidokan

I came up with this idea after starting reading to my children Journey to the West. They love the Monkey King. 

Chiyotanda, the hermit fortune teller of the bamboo forest predicted an era of spiritual enlightenment, peace and harmony after seeing a stork deposit a two-headed tortoise on the branch of a tree. To make the prophecy come true, a holy man with a pure heart had to gather the sacred writings of the great philosopher Tsukuda Razan, hidden , according to legend, in the different temples of Otaidokan. As the journey would be dangerous, the holy man would have the help of several traveling companions who had to be as unusual as his prophecy.

For this game, one of the playing characters must be of Ascetic background (the Holy Man). The rest of the characters must be created according of one of the following options:

  • A shy courtier.
  • A trustable Cobra.
  • The second worst swordsman on the island
  • A humbly Peacock.
  • An ascetic Panda.
  • A peasant destined for glory.

OBJECTIVE: The group has gathered in Xinhai. Their mission is to protect the Holy Man in his journey to all four temples of Otaidokan in his quest for the sacred writings. These have been hidden for centuries and might been even lost.  

PROBLEM: War rages throughout Otaidokan between the candidates for shogun and emperor. Rumours about the Holy Man's quest have spread quickly and been greatly exaggerated: they say that eating his flesh you can reach immortality, that his very words contain clues to the Paradise or that his breath can cure any illness.  All factions have sent their agents after the Holy Man to find out more, to make him prisoner or, at least, to avoid their rivals getting him alive. 


Only those who can answer the riddle of Venerable Isayama and tell him one he can't answer are allowed entrance. Once inside, the temple is almost empty except for the statues of four dragons pointing to all four cardinal points. 


This temple contains one of the biggest libraries of the island that spreads through a cave system under its foundations. Some of the galleries have been sealed for centuries and some say the whole of the library is haunted by the ghosts of two samurai siblings, a courtier and a bushi.


When you consult the High Priest of Ho in your search for enligthment, roll 2d6+Monk. On a hit, he tells you something you should change about your ways. On a 10+, he gives you a cup of tea. On a miss, you will you will get here but no further, Young Cricket. 


The Temple of the Storm is built on a barren islet in the Southern sea of Otaidokan. The currents are very strong and the weather, unpredictable (with sudden changes from bad to extreme). The monks of the Storm lead a simple life of prayers and meditation living of the sea. Those that challenge the Storm should be aware that it cares little about anything. 

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