Settlers of Raktan

I made the first draft of this scenario more than six months ago. I wanted to put the companies in the middle of political conflict where fighting is not always the answer. 

All the images of this post are made with AI. They are here just for decoration. I don't use AI generated art in my official games.

The Dominion is creating new Orders in its borders to protect it against the expansion of the Mo-Kul Empire. The Order has been recently created with a few companies and assigned the home world of Raktan, a jungle-covered planet colonised centuries ago by humanity. Raktan's population is mainly concentrated in several huge ziggurat-cities that work as independent states. Relationships between the cities includes trade and alliances but tensions are common and sometimes develop in open war.

For this game:

  1. One player must play with a Squire Company. 
  2. Elite, Command,  and Redemption Companies are not allowed in the starting Order.
  3. At the beginning of the game, there are no other companies in the Order. If a company is destroyed, the replacement has to be an Irregular one.


This nation of traders, fishermen and pirates spreads over more than a hundred islands in the Great Ocean that covers half of Raktan's surface. Its capital, Da-Yer, is situated in the bottom of the sea. The Da-Yer pirates launch constant raids against the coastal settlements of the continent.

Resources: gold, boats.

Republic of Tolm

Industrial realm based around the mineral-rich mountains of Tolm. The ziggurat-city of Tolm is the biggest of the planet and the most productive. Many people in Tolm think that their richness should be for themselves and not the Dominion. The only spaceport of the planet is here. 

Resources: trade goods, access to the spaceport. 


Once the capital of the planet, now little more than ruins in the middle of the jungle, Ifrenk is home of the decadent House of Raktan, an ancient noble bloodline from Dalphen-3. 

The Raktans dream of creating their own feud on a planetary scale but their armed forces are scarce, making them more eager on diplomacy, convenience marriages and spying their rivals. 

Resources: information, covert ops.

The Great Rift

The Great Rift is a massive valley created by the river Ogolor. It contains the ruins of an ancient ziggurat-city currently inhabited by tribes of mutants and savages that wage war on each other.

Resources: raw recruits, raw materials. 


The ziggurat-city of Korlerai stands in the middle of the farmlands stolen to the jungles of the most southern part of the continent. It relies in agriculture and livestock to feed the mighty armies that keep the Da-Yer pirates and tribes of the Great Rift away. 

Resources: food stuff, machinery. 


At the beginning of the season, the player with less Glory chooses a faction and explains a major event going on there. Then, roll 2d6, apply+1 if the faction hasn't appeared yet and -2 if the Order has wagged war against it.

10+, the faction is in good relationships with the Order. You have permission to cross its territory and access to its resources. 

7-9, same but the faction has its own problems to deal with. Ask the SM what are these problems. You are not allowed to recruit, resupply or travel through its territory until dealt with the problem. 

If you fail, the faction doesn't trust the space knights and will avoid it by any means necessary or declare war against if feels threatened. 

PROBLEMS: war with other faction, the faction doesn't like the Space Knights anymore, plague, the Crimson Skies Cult has become the official religion of the territory, shortage, turmoil, natural disaster,  the mind-worms are back. 


When you bring construction materials to the building site, prepare your knights for hard work and roll with Logistics. If you have Servants, Vehicles (Transports) or Tech-Knights you can re-roll a dice.

On a hit, choose two features for the fortress and build them in a matter of weeks. On a 10+, build three features instead. On a fail, accidents and delays burden the construction: choose a Feature and the SM will choose a Flaw.

When the fortress has eight or more features, it's finished: name it and from now on you can create new companies for the Order. 

FEATURES: Sturdy walls, hangars, armoury, laboratory, training grounds, computer room, warehouse, orbital elevator, catacombs, secret exits, defence turrets, hall of trophies, dungeon, dorm-cells, dining hall, power supply 

FLAWS: defence gaps, well-known location, weak spots, plague, threat to someone, power shortages, cursed, weak foundations, too small, toxic leaks


Korleraian phalanx:

Disciplined, black powder weaponry. 

Damage 1. Troops 2.


Guerrilla warriors, stealthy. 

Damage 1. Troops 1.

Da-Yer pirate fleet 

Seafarers, heavy cannons. 

Damage 1, Troops 3.

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